66 Best Excel shortcuts you must know

Best excel shortcuts

     Microsoft office is an application in which programs like Microsoft word, excel, PowerPoint, access included. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet which is very in accounting, business, mark sheets, results, budget plans, different charts and perform many mathematical equation and functions, and many more. 

      Many people in the world use excel to perform different tasks. And in this era, everyone uses shortcuts and needs shortcuts to save time. And hence today I will bring to you the best excel shortcuts of Microsoft excel.

Common excel shortcut keys

Here are some common and best excel shortcuts that can help you very much in your journey with excel

Ctrl + A   =    Select all the content of the sheet.

Ctrl + B    =     Bold the content of select area.

Ctrl + C    =     Copy the selected text.

Ctrl + V    =     Paste the copied text.

Ctrl + D    =     Duplicate or fill down text.

Ctrl + F    =      Find the text

Ctrl + G    =     Go to the specified cell.

Ctrl + H    =      Find and replace text.    

Ctrl + I     =      Italic the selected content.

Ctrl + K    =     Hyperlink the selected text.

Ctrl + L/T =    Create a table.  

Ctrl + N    =    New excel worksheet.

Ctrl + O    =    Open saved excel worksheet.

Ctrl + P    =     Print the sheet.

Ctrl + R    =      Fill the right selected column.

Ctrl + S    =      Save the work.

Ctrl + U    =     Underline the content.

Ctrl + W    =     Close the desired workbook.

Ctrl + X     =     Cut the selected text.

Ctrl + Y    =       Redo

Ctrl + Z    =       Undo

Ctrl + F1    =     Show/hide Ribbon

Ctrl + F2    =    Print

Ctrl + F3    =    Open excel name manager for desired selected text.

Ctrl + F6    =    Switch between one workbook to another.

Ctrl + F9    =     Minimize workbook.

Ctrl + F10    =   Maximize workbook. 

Ctrl + Arrow key    =   Move the next selection of text. 

Ctrl + Space            =    Select the complete desired column.

Shift + Space    =    Select complete desired row.

Ctrl + Page up    =   Move between sheets in the same workbook. 

Ctrl + Down    =     Move between sheets in same workbook

Ctrl –    =     Delete the selected row.

Ctrl + Home    =     Move to cell A1.

Ctrl + End    =      Move to the last cell with content of the worksheet.

Also Read:       How to make windows 10 fast

                         How to make histogram in excel

                         How to create a barcode in excel

                          How to use a pivot table in excel

Advanced Excel shortcut keys

       Ctrl + ~    =   Check all the formulas applied to the present worksheet.

Ctrl + ‘    =     Insert the value of the above cell.

Ctrl + ;    =     Enter the current date.

Ctrl + Shift + ;    =   Enter the current time in the cell.   

Ctrl + 1    =   Open format of cell options for you.

Ctrl + Shift + L    =    Filter

Ctrl + Shift + End   =   Apply border on selected areas.

Ctrl + Shift +  _       =   Remove border.

Ctrl + Shift + $        =   Convert selected numbers into currency.

Ctrl + Shift + %        =   Convert the selected number or column into a percentage.

Ctrl + 0    =   Hide selected column.  

Ctrl + Shift +  )    =  Unhide any hidden column.   

Ctrl + 5    =   Strikethrough.

Ctrl + 9    =   Hide the selected row.

Ctrl + Shift + (    =     Unhide any hidden row.

Shift + F11   =     Insert new work sheet.  

Shift + F2   =       Insert comment.

Shift + F3   =      Open the Excel formula window.

Shift + F5   =      Open search box.

F1   =    Help.

F2   =    Edit the selected cell.

F5   =    Go to the specified cell.

F7   =     Check the spelling of the selected cell.

F11   =    Create a chart from the selected cell.

F12   =    Save as

Escape   = Cancel a cell entry. 

Alt +   =    Auto sum

Alt + Enter   =   Wrap text

Alt + F1   =    Create chart

Alt + F4   =    Close the program

Alt + F8   =    Display the macro

      These are the best excel shortcuts you must know in your life to save your precious time while working.





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